Hi everyone! i just came back from Korea on Monday nite..I had a great trip n learned quite alot of the country thanks to our tour guide..She told us alot of stories bout Korean culture, lifestyle, history n lots more..made the whole trip very interesting..went to alot of places in Korea-historial places, themeparks,landmarks,shopping spots, Jeju Island, and etc.. i miss the weather in Korea..so cooling..=) but i WILL NOT EAT RICE for 1 week..i ate that everyday last week in Korea...>< sick of it already.. hehe..i uploaded alot of pics in facebook for my dear friends to see.. hehe..when i was away, alot had happened in Singapore..read news bout the scary earthquake n that Singapore could feel it as well.thn my bf told me a shocking news bout someone..OMG..that really did shocked me..how come i didnt noe earlier? hehe.. anyway, life is back to normal..cant wait for school to open soon..!