im super happy!!! i've successfully bake my own cookies..yyiiipppppeeeee!! although the shape isnt very perfect, but it taste yummy!!! hehehe..

finally found my lost spare bro thought it was his n took it.. but too late, my mummy is still angry that i didnt told her earlier that i lost my own keys.. facing her 'bad mood syndrome' rite now..=( went shopping just now =) manage to buy new jeans and tops..^^ but i couldnt find the shoes that i sad... y are shoes so expensive?! n almost everything else too!. =( the super hot weather is killing feel like my skin is burning..i miss the rain.... pls rain today..hehehe.. im still planning what to do tmr..its a must make the best out of it=) how about..doing INPH tutorial n study for the test next week?..LOL..sounds SO BORING.. mayb i shud clean up my messy wardrobe AGAIN.. all i noe is i dont feel like going out will be crowded EVERYWHERE...
im trying my best not to get upset when i c how people celebrate their......
y cnt i let go..
went for kidsread programme today at the will be at facebook..=) had a really great time spent with the kids(doing colouring n storytelling)..they are ADORABLE!! looking froward to the next session two weeks from now..hehe..
im down with a slight fever..must hang in there..CATS presentation is tmr..
today's cmb test was quite okay..thank gudness the questions isnt as tough as i thought it wud be=) at least i did well for obc test..(i did well for the major n minor product thingy^^)
went to vivo city to do our CATS group project.. almost done!! yipppeee!! hope ms karen will like it..after all, we are going to use only 1-3 ppt slides..hehe.. i left 1 more chapter of cmb to go..arrrgghhh..zoller's quiz is on tuesday..=( hope its not very tough..
*i wanna go shopping n fly-kite this praying for good weather..=)*
INPH PBL went well ytd..All the groups had something creative to present..hehe..enjoyed the videos..=)our chocolate idea turned out good as well..hehe..Class ended 2012 with him..kinda like the movie.
Finally its SATURDAY..i dont need to wake up so early in the morning..i need my beauty sleep..been very tired for this whole week..n cranky too =(
im so sorry...i screwed up AGAIN...
Ngee Ann Poly was FLOODED just now..really really..we had to take off our shoes to cross the road that was..PRACTICALLY flooded..the water level was above my ankles..we saw FROGS and LOTS OF COCKROACHES on the walls at block 46...eeewwwwwww...SIMPLY HORRIBLE!!! Makan Place had a 'mini waterfall' coming from the ceiling..videos are all in facebook alrdy..hehe.. even the toilets were flooded.. so u can somehow imagine how heavy the rain was just now.. what a day....
thank gudness OBC test was not very hard..=) but i was almost late to school for the second time for this not going to snooze tmr morning..^^

(our trip to Korea last September)
I love my mummy so much...she is the BEST mum ever..although she does irritate me sumtimes (which all mums do at times), i know that her intentions are good..she has sacrificed alot of this family..i really wanna do sumthing special for her this year..her bday is next month..=)
had Red Camp was FUN!!! we had almost 10 groups of sec4 students stopping by our booth the whole until i indirectly memorize my lines..hehe.. time really flies..early this year i was just like them happily listening to what the pharmacy science seniors told us..n now im the one behind the booth explaining to the students what is my course all about n showing them different types of medication..hehe..=)
finally started on our CATS group project..thank gudness we had lots of ideas n for the FIRST time CATS wasnt that boring..
*i cnt it patience is reaching the trying my best not to shout and blow up bcs i noe its not ur fault at all. i pity u bcs u r caught in between the whole situation... i feel very terrible sumtimes.. i feel like asking u to let me go so that everything will go back to how it was before u met me.. perhaps that will solve the problem... perhaps that is the only thing to make them happy with u.. but then again...i dont have the heart to say that to u... u mean too much to me.. but this feeling really sucks..knowing that all these stressful situations u face is partially or to a large extent MY FAULT.. u r doing so much for me but i noe that u r going against their wish n u always need to face the music.. i dont noe wat to do to getting tired........
*Lady Gaga music videos are just CRAZY...
what happened to us?....i sense a certain coldness when u look at me...u seem awkward around me... y things have to change when everything seems fine all along? i the one thing that is stopping you from becoming who u want to be?
i think i have just become the most brainless n useless girl in this world..u made me change.n now i cant change back to who i was before..u deserve sumone much better than who i sure u noe exactly wat i mean..=(
im SUPER DUPER HAPPY!! bought lots of stuff from robinson's sale@expo...huhu! i queue up for 40mins for a plate of fried kway insane rite? my mum says im a silly i finally improved in organic chemistry..FINALLY..THANK GOD=).. tmr will b another GREAT DAY! AMEN!!!
this feeling really really sucks.=(

finally finish my powerpoint slides for my presentation! yippeeee!! all my effort paid off-including sacrificing few hours of sleep for 3days =(
i need to mug for teacher teaches like a bullet train.she covered 7 lectures in 4 weeks and we have only 16 lectures for this module. when i can name the organic compounds, i forget how to draw them out. when i manage to draw them out, i suddenly forget how to name them..HELP ME! =(
*Mr Zoller's dance was EPIC..
currently spaming my discussion board at my school crashed 4 a while just now..hahaha!! CATS module is totally NONSENSE!! must finish inph ppt by today..finally i've the momentum to start everything..hehe..
i finally finish my CATS very tired..but im glad that i found lots of information for my ppt slides for inph presentation (which is next week!!) =)

im addicted to you.

thanks for everything.. your simple gifts can make me smile everyday..

I love Sundays..Pastor Prince's messages are really a blessing to me =) thank you Jesus!!
I wanna go to orchard at night one day to see the Christmas decorations light up.. im loving the christmas spirit..hehe..
Went to little india with him just now. n yes i feel like im alrdy in India itself..its super duper crowded with lots of ppl in mustafa centre..n policemen were there to make sure there was no stampede at the place..scary...
time to finish up my CATS report..hope teacher will give me a good grade.AMEN=)
went to the museum in the morning but didnt found anything interesting to write bout in my report..sooobbbsss! n worse, i need to hand in by next week..but i had a good time hanging out with Hang U..hehe..that super duper happy girl that will always make me laugh..=) went to daiso after that.. found ALOT of things that i would like to buy^^
went back to school for gym training..(my muscles are ARCHING now!) well at least there was some progress made despite me being such a 'tuofu'..but must beat Hang U..haha!
time to study obc.alkanes.alkenes.cycloalkene.benzene!!!

love my new wallet..thanks dear ♥

yay!! my questions are finally answered..thank God..i think i noe wat to do wat my project alrdy..there is HOPE...yippeee! but sadly my hp is giving me troubles..haizz..time to repair it..
Cant wait for wednesday n next tuesday to end.i finally have him back after months of preparation for olevels..hehe.. =)
currently doing inph ppt in school..ITS DRIVING EVERYONE NUTS!!i take i misinterpreted the question..SCREWED!! and i just realize that all the deadlines are in november =( CATS assignment and report, CMB Quiz, this stupid presentation of pharmacy..AARGGHHH! poor gwen dont even wanna rest(she is sick..sooobbbsss..) bcs she wants to finish her part in the project..while im trying not to bang my head on the table for my stupidity..=(
time to get serious..time to think..wat shall i do? shall i quit or shall i continue?
time to concentrate in getting a better gpa this semester..
time to study now.
no more procastination
Patience is something i dont really have lately..
Trust is something i need to gain..
Being independent is something i need to learn..
Assurance is something i need sumtimes..
Confidence is something i ask God for..
Hope is something i need the most now..

went shopping again..hehe..bought a jacket..FINALLY! n i got scared by zombie-costumed guy at bugis junction..stupid halloween!! haha.. that 'zombie' knew i was scared yet still wanna come near me..n i screamed..gosh.embarrassing! akmal was laughing all the way..
ps:i think im a bad n shallow-minded girl..=(