-at MushroomPot-
Christmas eve and Christmas day was great.. had a family dinner at my uncle's hs on the eve..its like an international buffet..there was sushi, my mum's famous fried noodles!, cookies from Poland, some kind of German food, and salad..
On Christmas day, we had mushroom steamboat.. and AGAIN-I ATE ALOT.. (im getting chubbier..Gwen should be happy=) Akmal likes my chubby cheeks..hehe^^) We watched an ice skating+acrobatics performance at waterfront arena at kallang..OMG.it was superb. really worth our money watching them performance..they can actually balance themselves with only one cloth tied on their feet. I thought they were going to fall..scary..hehehe..
Yesterday was a day spent at home..the heavy rain made the house cozy to sleep..^^ manage to edit all the slides for my group presentation..its already 95% done..=)
Had pizza for dinner just now...yummyyy cheese!!
Im freaking out bout my CATS project.Havent start at all!! OMG..i hate this module.waste of time. aarrgghhh!!
Sent Akmal sumthing i've made.He loved it.. YIIIPPPEEEEEE!! ^^
I miss him sooooo much..3days of torture ><
Im finally yawning.time to sleep..