bought my CNY clothes! hehe..but its not red..but nvm.still love it =)
i had my 3hr beauty sleep just am i gonna sleep later? -.-
im ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS on how to do cmb prac report..
currently chiong-ing for CATS..hehe..
*im looking forward to this friday!*
inph practical exam was crazy..2mins for every station is seriously not enough..screwed up a few qns..sobss..after that, ferind and i went to the sch gym...spent almost 2 hours there bcs we were watching 'wheel of fortune' while working out and didnt wanted to stop..hehe..we laughed ALOT at the gym..our jaw muscles work out too..hehe..
finally finished studying obc..*relieved* finally thought of what to do for next tuesday's kidsread programme *superr relieved* finally finished CATS self-reflection *most relieved*
so he and i took a bus but missed our stop n ended up sumwhr at shenton way....kinda spooky bcs theres not much ppl there during weekends.. we walk n walk n we saw tanjong pagar mrt stn..finally! landed at mustafa and ate my favourite roti prata.. we saw the biggest indian crowded there..n i was a thaipusam festival going out...-.- went to city square mall for the first time..not much stuff to see actually.. drank mocha at coffee bean n i cnt sleep
in the bus on the way to school just now...
me:daydreamingstranger (guy siting next to me):i like ur top
me:uh? thanks *spuer super freaked out*stranger:does ur top prints all the name of the countries? whr did u buy it?so unique!
me: *omg this guy is damn weird!! y pick me sia..yyyy?!* i buy it from mango..stranger:cool. did u travel around the world?
me: *this guy is confirmed insane and random..he is smiling away..OMG* no.stranger: i've been to korea..its very nice
me: *i dont wanna noe!! help me!!* THANK GOODNESS THE BUS REACHED NP...LOL...WEIRD&RANDOM GUYS DO EXIST -.-
*currently finishing CATS assignment..finally...!!*

Happy Birthday Lalita!!! ^^
Had school as usually..alot of funny and very engaging convos with my frens..*check ferind's blog* hahaha...We finished covering all the chapters in OBC and INPH..-time to study for the final exams..yucksss..
Went for Kidsread programme again..=) the kids are getting noisier and naughtier.. some even cried bcs they couldnt finish colouring the pictures we gave them..awww..-broke my heart- next week its my turn to read a story to the kids..must thing of sumthing fun for them to do..i love to see the kids smile...makes me very happy to be their so-call 'teacher' =)

mummy came back from vietnam on sunday..hehe.. told us lots of interesting stories bout Vietnamese culture and history..she bought me a wallet..most of the souvenirs she bought have the similar design-the lady with the umbrella -.-
my new dress..hehe^^ he likes it too! haha..


went shopping at bugis street with gfs fun!!..again-the CNY songs gave me a headache.. Gwen kept pestering me to buy alot of clothes bcs its FREESIZE..hehe..n i bought a floral dress..n i LOVE it!!!! n again i spotted sum things which i wanted to buy (skirt+shorts+2 tops i think) but not enough cash..sobss..nvm..there is always a next time.. =)
i miss mummy..lonely without her.. i used up the money she gave me before she went to nowadays not cheap!! im eating more than i used to.SERIOUSLY ALOT.even my frens say im crazy..haha!
went studying at the library..finally finish the chapter on chem is getting tougher =(
went to bugis junction with him.attempted to take neoprint but finally realized that its too expensive..n i saw weird weird ppl..
1-a person having a guy face but wearing a blonde wig. wearing super short shorts..DIGUSTING.
2-a guy wearing tight bright purple skinny jeans

this is how i waste my money..hehe..buying cute cute stuff for no reasons..but he gave a bright smile when i put one of this cute little orange mushroom on his bag..=)
i miss my mummy..she is going to vietnam with my relatives.dont ask me y they chose vietnam in the first place...LOL..
*i shud study more from now onwards..*
*i LOVE the necklace u gave me..thank gf..*
sob sob.i shud have done better for my CMB quiz..didnt thought mr zoller will set qns on family pedigree..HATE IT!!!...i think i lost 10 marks...>< im still sneezing n sneezing and i need to do inph tutorial...aarrgghhh!!!
its Monday again....which means i need to wake up EARLY again..
My bf is cunning in a cute way..he wont get away the next time..hehehe^^
*i wanna go shopping this weekend*

Today is my loner day. Went studying at the library (DNA replication isnt easy AT ALL! I lost alot of brain cells) Went window shopping at bugis street after that.It was crowded as usual and almost every shop is playing chinese new year songs.NOISY!! and again.I dont noe where im walking. Every corner and every shop looks confusing..>< But i did saw a few clothes that i liked. Mayb i shud buy for CNY? but its black Whenever i wanna buy non-black/grey clothes, i'll end up doing the direct opposite.hehe
And y on earth are SBS buses so damn cold? Even after i adjust the air-cond to not blow towards me, i was freezing in 133 bus on the way home..sobbssss..its like im in an icebox..
*missing our lovely days of the past*
i suddenly thought of wat to do and where to go with him..but unfortunately he is not free today..sobsobsob.. when will there be a time when i dont have school and he is not busy =(

I cut my fringe!! n I LOVE turned out GOOOODDDDDDD!! so happy rite nw.
finally finish CMB slides n everything else..!
looking forward to friday.. hehe^^
for the first time CATS class wasnt very boring.. =)
tired+sick of everything=SERIOUSLY NEED A BREAK..
y am i blaming myself this time?.. i really feel like crying..somehow im blaming myself for this.damage. i really really wish i could turn back the things differently.mayb today wud have had a better outcome.

decided to stay at home today.*study study study* n do abit of cooking.. =)

Open House duty on thursday was fun..hehe..Edmund+Ferind+I made lip balms n took a few samples for ourselves..hehe..
Went to the Vet Science counter to see those ADORABLE rabbit and hamsters.i really wished i could bring home 1 hamster ^^
We wanted to shout 'I Love NP' just to get the free tshirt but its for non-NP students only..sobss!
Went to NP and SP open house with Akmal+Helmi+Dwayne..took booklets again.. finally ate cotton candies..*the blue cotton candy at SP made my mouth BLUE! ><* the guys tried out archery and shooting.. this year SP open house seems to be more exciting than NP..LOL..

i cant resist cute toys..
My team did well for our creative presentation..yippeee!! chun hui's idea paid off =)
cant wait for open house later..dont noe y im so excited..hehe^^
CATS was killing me ytd..teacher didnt like our initial ideas..screw her!! finally came up with sumthing she approved..AT LAST my group can move on..
studied DNA stuff for a while...I wanna beat Calvin n Chun Hui (those smarties!).. hehe..still possible rite? everything is possible ^^ first time doing my homework for this year =)
He is finally coming home..finally!!
still angry inside? hmmm.i dont noe..
i got back my results..only did well for 2 subjects.didnt do well for OBC..disappointed..*sad sad* i lost around 10 marks due to silly mistakes..could have done better...shud knock my head on the wall..but nvm..still have hope in practicals and final exam.. =) its wednesday again.CATS is BORING to the max..
*wonder whether he misses me*
1st day of school..
1st day of him being away..
ms wu started teaching sum boring chapter that i wasnt paying attention at all..(no mood)
still thinking whether to go for the batam trip in march..(it does sounds fun..)
had our creative assignment presentations.. (the best CMB lesson..!)
quiz and practical exams coming up.. (HATE IT!!)
im not feeling well..
I didnt tell him how much im gonna miss him although its just 3days he'l b away.. I didnt feel like telling him despite my heart screaming to myself to say it. It hurts everytime i think bout what happened. He cares so much bout his feelings.I cared for his. I guess i gave in until there is nothing left for me.. In the end, i wonder whether he really really truly does appreciates what i do for him.. The things i sacrificed.. This time a part of me wanted him to go away.. for a while..Not because i hate him.I'll never hate him. But its the fact that i cant look at his face right now. It may seem a small thing to him again but its not. Its not at all..The embarrassment and everything gone totally wrong. It wasnt suppose to end up that way. I broke my promise.i cried. Hurt accumulated, damage done.. Mayb he wont understand this fully. but he crossed the line this time.
tomorrow is SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!
no more sleeping at 4am..
no more waking up at 1pm.. (n being called PIG by him)
no more meeting him as often..
no more slacking everyday EAT+SLEEP+ENJOY LIFE..
need to pay attention in class.. (n not yawn almost every 30mins!)
need to hand in assignments..
need to do BETTER do exams..
need to work out in gym sessions (im glad to have ms Hang U working out with me)
*looking forward to open house 7-9 jan!!!*
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Went to esplanade for countdown just was super duper crowded..hehe..but the fireworks was the best part of it..=) (although the performances at marina bay platform n at esplanade=YUCKSSS... could hear them sing from where i was standing..)
And my first meal of 2010 iS...INSTANT KIMCHI NOODLE. supper =)