-had an AWESOME praise n worship time at church.HillSongs rock!!! haha..pastor Lian told us stories bout her primary school days during her sermon..suddenly reminded me of how my pri sch teacher used to scold me for being so talkative in class..she asked me to sit infront of the class, behind, middle row and im still always chatting away ^^
-had another family dinner to celebrate grandma's 82th bday..huhu! she still looks young as ever.saw Nicholas in army uniform.hehe..he looks cool =)
-had black pepper crabs n chilli crabs! indulging indeed. again i ate alot..desert was durian pudding..SCARY!! so i quickly ordered for coffee pudding instead..at least it taste alright.really really truly cnt stand the taste n even the smell of durian. i tried durian puff once-regretted it =( confirmed not a durian-lover.
its exam week.still a little bit more to study for inph. shall put all my trust in the Lord and His grace =)