*i think i changed alot since sec3 till now..hehehe*
Just now, i studied classification of drugs and pharmacodynamics..lol..the name so complicated....OMG..kinda tough to memorize stuff when ur eyes is telling u to sleep..hehe.. and i was very distracted bcs my family was watching HK-drama..MY FAVOURITE!
Dongfang uploaded many sec3&4 pictures at facebook...those sweet memories-the Racial Harmony Day, our crazy remedial lessons almost everyday, Musicals, EC (making mocha with dear Hazy^^).. i really miss them..especially my Sec3 Camp.my first n best camp ever! all the fun n endless laughter i had..priceless memories that i'll cherish forever bcs there was whr i started to bond with my buddies...=) i suddenly miss my secondary school life..sumtimes i wish i could turn back time n go thru it again..although i went thru alot in MF, but overall my 2 years was great.. For the times Haziyah stood by me when my maths was f*** lousy and became my bestie..*i rmb u convincing me to accept Akmal! haha.. For Jen as a cute company siting next to me.. For Verisia..For Venny..For CaiEr..For BX..and For Akmal..yes..my darling..hehe..he made my life in MF even more 'interesting' =) i'll always smile when i think of the times me n hazy wud go to thomson plaza or amk central just to spot him with kevin eating kfc.... i rmb it all..always have, always will..
life is just going too fast sumtimes..to an extent sumtimes im unsure what am i doing or whether or not what im doing is right..its kinda scary at times.. but i guess...life still goes on...whether im clear or unsure, i noe my Heavenly Father loves me...yes...i must remember that everyday=)