i still have 18 days of slacking...hmm..so far all i did was...eating.sleeping.watch dramas.lan gaming.kidsread.baking.hanging out with frens.exercise.trip to genting.spend time with him.. =)
so b4 school reopens very soon (i even got my timetable alrdy.. its C.O.W. again..-.-)
i wanna..
-watch at least 2 movies
-go to the toy musuem with syiqin,shafiq, n him
-bake a few more times
-clean up my vvveeerryyyy messy closet n study table
-go shopping!! (I NEED SHOES!)
-get things done for the orientation events for the pharm freshies
-meet up with frens
-secret plans with him..*winkwink*
*you are so sweet to me i wish i can stay with you everyday*

back from genting trip=) thr wasnt alot of ppl so sis n i could take most of the rides!! had a blast!.hehehe..
i can be the most insecure, poranoid, naggy person ever.but thanks for ur patience for me.no matter wat i may feel,i noe you love me.. =)
its the 25th again. 6yrs ago on this day was how it all started. You left so sudden. Life seemed so shaky and vulnerable. We had our rough times without you. Didnt noe what our future wud b and just live life everyday as it was. Mayb bcs of you, i hate the feeling of leaving or being left alone. cz i wont noe whats gonna on when im gone. Until nw, no one can really tell me y u left..i guess only God noes. But nw.as i look back.i think you had faith that our Heavenly Father is going to take care of us and everything will be ok.mayb thats y u cn leave peacefully.but watever it is. the Lord really had and has always been taking care of us. n life for ths 6 yrs has been good n its getting better. Its just that whenever ths day comes, i tend to think of u.wondering what wud have happened if u didnt leave. wondering how different life wud b. wondering will u be proud of me as u watch me grow up. we do talk bout u sumtimes..remembering all the happy times we had. miss you daddy.
Went to wisma atria to collect my camera. I missed it so much.but otw to the service centre, i was stopped by a saleslady tat was promoting her beauty n make up products. n eventually.she did sum make up session on me.lol.. hehe..i've not been applying so much make up for very long alrdy.haha! i guess i looked..dolled up? I think i shocked Ferind a little when she saw me aft that.blue eyeshadow.gosh!!
Baked cookies for him yesterday. so far i've baked a few times n thankfully im improving despite a few small disasters here n thr (panicking n asking ferind wat to do at midnite.hehe!) So hopefully i'l bake again before sch reopens. cookies for my friends =) for now let Akmal be my taster in case the cookies not-so-nice..hehe..poor akmal.^^
After baking, he n i went jogging at bishan park. the last time i exercised was at NP gym more than 1 month ago. Gosh! my legs almost collapsed yesterday (n my legs r currently still aching...) i started joging first but somehow akmal will catch up n overtake me.n the next thing i noe he is so far away alrdy..lol..looks like i really jog like a tortoise.hehe.. But, it was worth the try after so long =)
At nite, dear sis treated the family for a movie-How To Train Your Dragon in 3D..the movie was awesome!!!! the dragon was so adorable with those big big eyes ^^
N finally, i finished watching Fruits Basket-a japanese manga/anime series. Its one of the few cartoon series i've watched ever since i bcame a teen.hehe. i shud really thank Jayne for making my frens n i watched ths series 4 yrs ago (hmm..i feel old..Lol) i rmb us laughing ALOT ALOT at Cath's hs at every funny scene.
And today came! i received sms from Sony that my camera has been fixed! yiiippppeee! my prayer got answered! =) altho i had to pay for the damaged lens but its ok! as long as i cn happily bring my camera along for the genting trip =)
this morning i woke up with a bad dream..no zombie dreams due to the previous day's 3hrs l4d2 but still..a bad one =( i promise myself im not gonna end up being like the person i dreamt of..creepy!
n next..
i got a sms from NP.my RESULTS.. CATS=Distiction! wahahaha..FOR ONCE, i love that miao module.hehe..n i must thank mr Zoller for giving me an A for his paper after i realized i wrote alot of crappy stuff of that last paper. I got gpa 3.69.. improvement.thank God!=)
went to a LAN shop at dhoby ghaut for the FIRST time..hehe^^
played l4d2..omg..the stupid zombies r so hard to kill..but 3 hours of shooting zombies+staring at comp screen=COOL!!!!!
*after eating brownie+icecream ytd at swensens, i wanna make my own brownies =).n OMG.i almost forgot..in almost 9 hours time, im getting my exam results..LOL.*

had another arcade session with ferind, akmal n jahir (thanks Ja for belanja us!!)
played house of the dead with ferind=) we survived for less than 5 minutes b4 the guys took over n played like pros..hehe..
played tekken!! hehe... at least i beat my akmal once although i actually just anyhw pressing the buttons XD
had a fun time catching up..next session=LAN gaming of l4d2?? hmm...gonna be very interesting =)
*i kinda miss school..
*when sum1 'unfriends' u at fb, wat does that mean? means that person doesnt like u anymore? but the weirdest part is i didnt do anything wrong to u! LOLZ..but anyway its up to u to think watever u want bout me bcs in the end its not even the whole story*
went to ITfair just now..its just the first day but its alrdy very crowded..especially the laptop level. i saw sum familiar faces working at the fair too.hehe..i feel like changing my hp..it really irritates me when i cnt charge my hp properly..>< mayb i shud use nokia hp again =)
and not forgetting the body shop sale over at gallery west, suntec.hehe.. its cute to see lots of guys at the IT fair while the body shop sale was crowded with the ladies..hehe. bought some skin products.cheap cheap cheap! =) wanted to buy more but ran out of cash.

u r such a perfectionist sumtimes that it gets tiring for me to bare.

i made choco cornflakes+almondnuts!! hehehe... my mummy n sis say it taste good! =) *happyhappy*

went to ikea with him yesterday...feel like renovating my whole hs n buy the ikea stuff that i want for the bedroom.especially the comfy bed n the nice wall decorations!!!
sis:lets go genting this march!! spore's weather is just too hot! cannot tahan alrdy. mummy:ok! (with a happy smile)hehehe^^ spore pls rain for 1 week.i really dont mind rainy days at all..the weather is so hot that i feel like jumping into the swimming pool everyday..
hi there! i noe..its almost 4am..hehe..i've been watching hk drama for the past few days. every
episode is just so exciting that i cant help watching until this late.XD
im having quite a nice holiday so far..had sum mood swing once in a while but its ok!=) had kidsread programme on tuesday..love to see the kids.their happy faces=)
Akmal played a song 4 me with his guitar ♥♥♥♥ played pool for the first time with akmal n his frens yesterday...just realized that pool is kinda cool..n that i have alot of things to learn during the holidays..so i started of by playing the intro of Avril's Innocence on keyboard..gosh..not easy but a good start for sum1 that doesnt have any music background at all.i just pick sum vids at youtube for sum simple tutorial n there i go.just play..but its pretty cool to learn sumthing new. im liking it=)