Immunology sucks.
Pathology rocks.
So far i didnt SLEEP in any lesson.
Im eating ALOT lately and my friends say im pregnant.WTH!
I wanna buy a NEW HP and NEW EARPIECE
The things i wanna buy are expensive! =(
I wanna watch IP Man2 and IronMan 2.
I wanna go cycling.
After 2 weeks of school but im still in holiday mood.
first week of school is done.IS class is RETARDED N A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME! Pathology and Immunology seems interesting.Medicinal Chem is giving me sum headache.nid to revise sum yr1 stuff again=( Pharm Legislation looks boring.but i alrdy have an assignment for that nw.lol! Glow Party on Friday was AWESOME..its almost like clubbing but without the alcohol.hehe..but it rocks! the music was the best.but felt like crying when i forgot to bring my camera on that day.so no pics..boohooooooo!!
Had a blessed time in church today.Pastor Prince's messages never fail to amaze me every week..i guess i really nid alot of guidance and help from God and the people around me. Sis is right-i may smile n laugh alot but deep down i do fight my own battles and problems.. Mum says im still growing up.cnt expect myself to act and do everything right all the time..so i wasnt be too hard on myself=) and i think TOO MUCH in everything.i guess its time for me to really really truly let go for the Lord to work in every situation=)
So the first day of school just finished.im sooooo happy n relieved that the orientation programmes n games went smoothly n the yr1 students seemed to have enjoyed the games=) its kinda my first time running almost the whole show-making everything is in order, make sure the games r okay n bla3. but thankfully i have my beloved classmates n frens..they were of great help to me..love them!! =) i had my IS class in the afternoon.turns out the lesson is only around 1-2 hours..so its early dismissal! haha..n my lecturer looks like a slacker? hehe.. thn we went to the convention centre for the cca fiesta.i finally have a NP shirt!for 5dlrs only!.hahaha...very happy. n we watched issac performed his wushu routines...looks damn cool..n magnum force cheer leading.wow.i must salute the girls for their bravery..if it was me, i'l freak out during some of the routines.scared i'l fall.lol.. n o yea! Makan Place and the bookshop was CROWDED!..omg..i didnt even had my lunch today..thank God i didnt had gastric. i just survived on fruit juices for the whole day=( but overall, first day of school=AWESOME =)
So far this holiday has been GOOD..did many things as i planned initially despite abit of delays n downs here n there..the best part is i learnt baking n cycling..hehe..hopefully next saturday's weather will b good n im going cycling! =)
And so school is finally starting..hehe..as much as i love holidays, i miss school.i miss hanging out with frens in the classroom n stuff.So im kinda excited bout school.except for waking up early..sobss!! n tmr im in-charge of the morning orientation programme for the yr1 students..abit nervous cz i'l b like talking infront of them..talking ALOT..-.- but akmal said: 'Just be urself'.So i'l WILL =)
*everything will be alright between us.I promise.Love You!*

Went to Universal Studios on Thursday.Although one of the roller coaster wasnt in service, we still had ALOT of fun..the Egyptian Mummy roller coaster was both scary n awesome.haha!!

Went out with Haziyah on Wednesday. Watched Date Night.it was super duper funny!! =)
just now we tried out the team-bonding games for the orientation programme next monday.it was kinda fun.haha..didnt noe that a game call the 'human knot' can be so challenging.lol..gosh.sch is starting next monday! thr is still so much to do!! hehe..i still wanna do abit of shopping.baking.going out.n bla3. n i finally bought my long black skirt!! FINALLY =)
*i've been EATING and SLEEPING ALOT today*.hmmm....

Paul Wesley from Vampire Diaries.Well at least he is sooo much better looking than Edward Cullen of Twilight. hehe..i've been watching GossipGirl, 90210, Melrose Place and now Vampire Diaries.y channel5 aint showing any of these nice shows on TV? =(


(my retarded face! haha)
So i tried cycling yesterday for the FIRST TIME.. n...it was a SUCCESS!!!the happiest day ever!! i managed to learn cycling in bout 2 hours time..but of course it was like intensive training..but its ok! everything turned out good =) although i did kinda almost bang into a few ppl..hehe..and some of them were fussy people!! tsktsk..so intolerant towards beginners..and i did fell a few times..bruises and pains here n there..o well..it was still a SUPER productive day..thank God! and thanks sooooooo much ferind and edmund! hehe..i felt like a 9yr old kid learning cycling^^ happy happy.
Went to school just now to finish up the orientation programme stuff..how i wish i can skip IS class on the first day of school.i planned so much bout the pharm amazing race but i'l b having classes when the yr1 students actually play the game on that day...sobsobsob..
was out the whole of yesterday.. meeting for orientation programme for pharm freshies-lan gaming-movie(clash of the titans)-pool-eat eat eat..hehehe...money gone but had lots of fun.. im SLOWLY learning how to play pool..thanks guys for being so patient with my ever weird and cute ways of playing..hehe.. hope the next time i play i cn beat AKMAL..wahahahaha..^^ how ambitious of me. clash of the titans was not bad...but too little fighting scenes and the giant monster died too fast. lol..
i almost almost almost screwed up..almost... Lord, help me.
sumtimes even the simplest words can break ur confidence. break ur heart. i noe u r a very competitive person at heart.in everything u do u want to learn fast and be the best in watever u do..u always wanna be number1 in everything.but sumtimes when it comes to me...i feel like u r a too harsh on me.come on. not everyone is driven by harsh words to learn..definitely not me.it breaks me even more..n this isnt the first time alrdy. i noe im certainly not all ms confident.but im really trying my best to change..i mean who doesnt wanna b confident..i noe i do... but im just that type that needs more time in everything.to adjust to new stuff.to accept new things.call me different but thats just me...n its super stressful n frustrating when i c u lose ur patience with me in things that im new in..im sure u noe exactly wat im talking bout.cmon.wat do you want from me? im trying my best alrdy...y r u so harsh.? can u just give me a break? i have a weakness for peer pressure and when im with u sumtimes i cn even feel the pressure as well..i want sum1 that wud laugh it off at the silly mistakes or mishaps i do and not correcting me and telling me harshly 'u shud do this', 'u must do this', 'u r suppose to do this' n bla3..sum1 that wud make learning easy-going and not tensed..i feel pressurized to be... perfect just for you.gosh is that even love? isnt love means loving sum1 perfectly no matter how unperfect the person is?=( not every1 is like u. im not like you. and after wat happen i clearly noe.u dont have much patience for me.i dont noe when will u snap again next time..i dont even noe will u read this..i just post it bcs..i nid sum1 to hear me out without judging me.
and now....i lost my voice and strepsils aint helping..