thank you Lord..U saved me again =)
i feel like going to sentosa+wear my bikini+sleep by the beach+watch the stars+feel the wind blowing+drinking the most non-alcoholic drink-sparkling apple juice.
Im going to vietnam this september with all my frens.
Yet whn i saw my name in the list just now, there was no smile on my face.
I dont noe why i just couldnt smile.
I dont noe why it hurt so bad. i just dont noe why.
For once i actually dont noe wat to do.
Im really scared.
I need sumone to tell me that everything is gonna b alright.
And Thursday came...
woke up earlier than expected.
didnt miss practical lesson. so wasnt very blur on wat to do. hehe^^
finally. as in REALLY FINALLY. understand how to do dilution calculations. its a PAIN! i think i bug ms esther alot. -.-
gt back my mcdd test results. I WAS SHOCKED+HAPPY+PRAISING GOD for it. =)
had dinner at Nando's with him..finally a simple date. i really needed it. smth not related to school or studies. smth just US. =) well the food WAS GOOD. no doubt. the queue was very long at first. thn the waiter came out n ask 'ms, table for two?'. n just like that, we got our seats in less than 20 mins. hehe.. n the waitress that served us was super i didnt mind paying the 10% service change =)
i feel so touched. sum people actually asked how am i doing n stuff after reading the emo posts. well, dear alrite..but really.. so touched that u all care..u noe who u are..thank you.
hehe..Ms Esther just made my life happier-test postponed to next tuesday+finish patho slides=double happiness..hurraayyy!
nw i just nid a break from books.. syiqin say im emotionally drained out.GOOD POINT. hehe..thanks for listening to me.. really appreciate it.
urban dictionary nvr fails to make me laugh.Although its almost 100% rubbish, but its still fuunnnyyyyy:
Edward Cullen- A psycho who goes into girls bedrooms to watch them sleep. May or may not sparkle. Exams-a period of time when a person becomes mentally ill, due to unsleepiness and non-hungriness. this time passes very slowly and it seems this time is never gonna end.i-A letter Apple really seems to enjoy putting in front of every single product they sell.
its the 2nd time.i wore smth very similar to issac's outfit-blue collar tshirt. hehehe.. Singapore IS FREAKING HOT!!!! SAVE ME! i think i became tanner by just walking out of school to pizza hut.
currently doing my pathology ppt slides =) so far everything in life has been good. potential job opportunity, no emo posts of the past,having frens that makes me laugh every 1 minute, good food, a blogspot that has all the clothes i want n lots more. Thank you Lord. U'l always make things turn out good for me =)
I FINALLY FINISHED MY 1000WORDS REPORT. but i kinda wrote MORE. hahaha..HECK CARE!:D
Dear you, im truly touched that u love me so much that u would do anything for me. Your decision made you admirable. Words cannot describe how relieve I am to noe that u'l be alright. I was really worried. And this whole situation not about me or you. Its about US. you and me together in everything in life. Dont give up. Im your no.1 supporter. Forever and Always
i seriously nid a break. im breaking down inside. i miss the times when we actually had a good tears.i cnt remember whn was the last time we actually went thru the whole day without having smth to fight about. What is happening to us? =( i just wanna be happy. Lord i need u more than ever. and he needs You too.
Lord, cn u make the tears go away?
moments like this do happen. there are some things that i'l never be able to share with other ppl.i cant. too much is at stake. i dont noe wat will happen if i share those stuff with other ppl.. i just cnt tell. but the feeling really sucks. u just feel like crying bcs no one noes wat u r going through and wat u really really feel deep down=(
i feel terrible for not able to help. i dont noe wat to do. the feeling really sucks. the tears will roll down any moment.
melanie, wat the heck are u doing???! watching 90210 season finale during lesson -.-
i shudnt be playing with fire.
had 2 quiz in 1 week.finally its over.. hehe...yippeee..its weekends again. time to finish my more procrastination.SERIOUSLY.
Meaning of Facebook: a stalkers dream come true, the reason my papers are never done on time
Meaning of
Akmal : a man who is perfect, just and sexy (I LIKE!!!! :D)
Meaning of Melanie
A name for a girl. french, means "dark". like dark hair, olive skin. people named melanie are always really pretty and super nice. just sexy, if you will. used to say it when seeing a pretty girl, but they obviously will never match up to her standards.
Isn't afraid to get embarrassed and a great friend. Hard to be serious at times.
Loves cartoon characters and she will ALWAYS be a big kid herself ! Very girly/ good at fashion but will still play video games and play wrestle now and again.
She has a weird obsession with kitties
Treat a Melanie right and don't let go of her.
Everyday is a new day. Although the day before was sucky, always look forward for tomorrow.. Be optimistic. I noe its easier said than done. But we have to stay hopeful, if not everyday will seem terrible. We all have our stormy days. Days we wish it could have turned out better. But I believe things will always work out.dont ask me how but they always do.. God is our Provider. I just wanna make u feel better. I dont noe whether did i succeed in comforting u.but at least i tried^^ ♥♥♥
-i have ALOT of things to finish by this week..need multiple boost of caffeine?? although i noe its not that good for ur stomach (just learnt that in patho lesson.haha), but mocha and cappuccino aint that bad rite? :D
Etiology of Headache: study too much for pathology and mcdd
Pathogenesis:brain shutting down+tired eyes+stoning+sleepy
Prognosis:attention level of 60% (20%-thinking of hungry!! 10%-thinking of the weekends.10%-sleepy and stoning)
Treatment: FOOD+HIM+SLEEP+quarantine from school
sumtimes i wished it was more special.. but shud i even care bout it after i've lost it?

the season finale was totally AWESOME!!
cnt wait for the next season this september
u just said one of the sweetest words to me =)
i think i really really really screwed up this time. i dont noe how to mend things. i dont noe things will ever be the same really scared. i screwed up big time.y am i so dumb?
okay, sumtimes i cn be very WHINY.. like NOW..
-I really really really truly from the bottom of my heart HATE being skinny. my clothes seem loose! i didnt noe having a fever for 3 days cn caused me to lose 4kg -.- there goes my PRECIOUS weight.. and my appetite still is kinda sucky. i'l eat.but wont finish my food. IM UPSET... boohhooooo!!!-
-I wanna go shopping BADLY. i wanna buy sum clothes but their prices are EXPENSIVE. WHY??!!!-
-I wanna do alot of stuff.I miss baking.I wanna cycle(as always).I miss spending time watching my fav TV series online.I miss going for outings. Life seem so busy. N i just mention a few days ago that i dont mind being busy. But i guess... My moods just change like the WEATHER -.-
im a chinese girl.but i speak horrible mandarin. My cantonese is way much better.
im from Malaysia n i cn speak Malay very well.
n ppl think im a malay girl bcs i have a malay bf.
Am I confusing people??. hehehehehe :D
life is getting busier now.tests every week. assignments do to. presentations due after june holidays. nid to plan trip to HK. see, life is busy. but somehow i dont feel the exhaustion. so its a good thing=) thank gudness i got back my appetite. hehehe.. been craving for food all the time. craving for sum pasta now. yummmyyyy.. just got back my immunology test result.pretty good=) but i gotta say-immunology and pharmacy analysis is a PAIN for me ><
and lastly... i wanna go shopping... shud i ask my mummy for sum cash? mayb go for sum cheap shopping at bugis street? hmmmm...
im SERIOUSLY happy that it has been raining again :D altho im stuck here in the sch library facebook-ing and studying immunology.. haha... i finally understand at least 90% of it. thank God.

-cGMP PBL is done! =)-
-Ms Sumita likes MY DRESS.awwwwww..-
-akmal is looking at me writting ths post*kaypo kaypo*-
-watching ironman later.huhuhu!!-
-i nid to GAIN WEIGHT.thats not smth u hear often from a girl rite? hehehehe..-
-finally studying immunology after 2 weeks of procrastination-
im tired. just very very tired.
had a fever for the past 3 days..boohooo
but im alright now.praise Jesus.
and truly i gotta say-im sooooooo blessed to have my mummy. She took care of me for the past few days...She is really the Wonderwoman of the family. And hearing what Pastor Prince said yesterday that-single parents have DOUBLE Anointing from God since they are both the father and the mother at home, i really pity some1 that used to scold and look down on my mum for 'so-call' being weak, not able to make right choices n bla3.seriously, YOU REALLY DONT KNOW WHAT U R TALKING ABOUT..i hope that one day u'l truly understand God's GRACE UPON US because the truth is-LIFE IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL, AINT AS SUCKY AS U SAID. n btw, MY MUM ROCKS!