(that uncle behind me spoiler..hahahaha! jk)
I finished Pathology paper in 45 mins time..haha..i was already in the holiday mood when i first woke up ^^
Went cycling at ECP in the afternoon!!.. happy happy happy happy..not so sunny but at least it was windy.. hehe..but..i fell once.. n the first thing that came to my mind was "is my macrophages in blood helping in stopping the bleeding n stuff?" CRAP.this is wat happens when u study too much of immunology.hahaha
Currently in the soccer mood. Although i dont noe much bout soccer n the teams, but i support SPAIN. ps: most of the players look handsome.. hehe^^
The World Cup songs are currently stuck in my mind=) how i wish i can stay in MCD or i have the money to subscribe the singtel/starhub thingy for all world cup matches. but then again.. its just too expensive.. SCREW U SINGTEL/ STARHUB. Y cnt u just show all the matches on local channels?
Time to pack for my HK trip. Really excited about it =) time to shop n eat n play n get back my beauty sleeps =) really looking forward to this holidays