love her voice
love her songs
love her style
So last saturday was awesome. Went to Universal Studios with him. was abit worried at first..u noe..sg weather is kinda crazy lately. one minute its raining one minute its sunny..But thank God! everythin was just.. perfect=) the weather was cooling, we manage to get our tickets (for only 5dlrs.hehe), just walking around the place was good enuf, and of course. the fireworks at nite..LOVED IT =) we had a really nice view of it.. i think if i was rich i would have bought alot of those cute cute souvenirs there..hehe~ (and according to him, we took 400 photos..i swear i didnt noe..hehe)
Tuesday: meet up with ja, leer, and gwen to make souvenirs for the kids in the kidsread programme..they r gonna graduate very soon. hehe.. n thn i dont noe how and why i eventually agreed on watching The Devil at the cinema. gwen was siting between me n leer. i was so scared most of the time that i had a bag in front of me+leaning vry close to gwen..really funny.. yes, i cnt stand horror movies. SERIOUSLY.... haha!
Wednesday:went house-visiting with akmal n his frens. i ate THE MOST on that day. Yummy fried rice at shafiq's hs that i took 4 servings+kueh raye+drinks+mee rebus at akmal's hs+dinner at home..IM OFFICIALLY A GLUTTON...i think i expanded my stomach or smth..=p but i had an awesome day.. watched a horror documentary show at shafiq's hs but i ended up laughing more bcs everyone kept making jokes...hehe.. and ps: i think i look like malay girl with the baju kurung..hehe THANKS HAZIYAH FOR THE BAJU KURUNG..MUAHX!!!

Thursday: went to town. n i took the panda bear out as well.. yes, IM CRAZY+CHILDISH.. clearly ADMITTING IT XD ...and i almost fell off a chair as well..WTH..luckily no one saw..*embarrassing*
spent almost 30mins with him searching for children books for kisread next week. haha... n o yea! kebab for lunch..DELICIOUS..(eating again..really must go exercise alrdy)

the birthday boy was happy.im happy. it was an AWESOME day =)

My Sweetheart just turned 18!! love him LOTS!!=)
Monday-day out with him
Tuesday-watched step up3 with hazy+kidsread
Wednesday-sushi+watched resident evil in 3d (GOSH!i dont noe how i even agreed to it. shud stick watching 3d cartoons..hahaha! but the movie effects were kinda cool)
Conclusion: i need to work..need $$$
I can sense pms..YIKES!! =(
this week is gonna be busy busy. but i like it.. planning n doing things for the person u love alot alot..hehe^^ im actually very nervous bout it. cz seriously.. although its really simple, but its my first time..im the blur-blur-gf.. XD
hws my holidays? hmm..GREAT.. just relaxing, shopping, watching my online TV series, going out. but i think by next week or so im gonna b bored..lol... so.. time to think of smth productive to do. time to sleep.anothet bz day for me. tmr meeting haziyah for step up3 (again). but ITS OK.i cn watch Adam Sevani and the whole dance crew again n again. haha!!
watch the link below...i get very angry whn i watch ths kinda vids. y is this world getting more n more cruel as the days go...its really vry sad..torturing animals is really really CRUEL. heartless ppl. if sum ppl eat the fish prepared in such a cruel way n they end up dead, trust me im not surprise.. i just hope that there are animals in Heaven bcs they deserved to be there..aft how sum humans treat them cruelly here in ths world...
Vampire Diaries season2 premier is AWESOME!!!
Cnt wait for Gossip Girl and 90210 next week =)
Mayb i shud try watching 'How I Met Your Mother' too? hehe..
A date with mummy today...
Wanted to go to the zoo but ended up on a SHOPPING SPREE at orchard..haha!
Spent money again..thank gudness im working soon=)
Bt spending time with mummy was fun..
Gonna watch vampire diaries nw..weeee~
2nd day of missing my sweetheart ^^

The Vampire Diaries
cant wait for their season2 premier..!!!
i rmb the first time i saw u in school
i rmb the first time we sms each other
i rmb the first word u spoke to me
i rmb the first time u smile at me
i rmb the first time looking into ur eyes
i rmb the first time we went out together
i rmb the first time we hold hands
i rmb the first time we kissed
exams are OVER...! YAY!!! although the last paper was HORRIBLE but i manage to get the calculation parts correct.i think..hehe..o well, heck care=)
watched step up3 with him...LOVE the movie.LOVE the dancemoves.LOVE the lead actor!.so handsome..OMG...i wish i can dance too? if i cn turn bck time i wud take up dancing lessons whn i was young..haha!
Immunology is done!!! goodbye to Tcell.Bcells.Macrophages.Cytokines. hah! The paper wasnt so bad.i just wrote everything i cn rmb and then hand in the paper with a smile.hehe! last paper at 9am tmr..so early.OMG =( but in less than 24hours its officially HOLIDAY!! =)

at least pathology paper aint so tough today.. thank God=)
feeling very very very cranky now thanks to immunology.
shit 2 more papers to go..hate it!!! im so damn tired......................
-seriously bad mood-
So...MCDD paper is done..YAY! i survived the day with just 3hrs of sleep last nite..but..i think i lost almost 10 marks for my paper..all thanks to my confused brain =( (stupid trojan horse strategy!)
So anyway...i went to IT fair after the papers...it was super crowded.as usual.and yes..-bodyshop sale.hehe.. Bought a few products but cost me quite alot..sadness..
And again.the cashier and 1 saleslady gave me a hard time.seriously if u dont like ur work, then just quit. no need to give other people unfriendly services (and all i did was JUST ASK 1 QUESTION..LOL)
Otw home in the bus, i overheard an aunty siting behind me scolding another lady 'bastard'.Aunties in SG seriously have some attitude problem. NOT ALL BUT MOST OF THEM. TSK...
Went home for yummmyyy home cook food. Despite everything at least i did relaxed my tired brain from studying.. hehe..
Gonna sleep early tonite. Then study (or shud i say PURELY MEMORIZING) pathology..........