i read a few of my frens' blogpost... they seemed to be either very sad or upset bout smth =(

as a good start, i didnt sleep as much in class compared to last sem! haha!
time very flies...my first week of school is over..quite an interesting week..did manage to catch up with my frens n stuff. hehe.. learnt basic japanese for the first time.. i feel like im singing whn i try to pronounce those words..n the written words are like chinese characters. BUT simpler =) i dont mind learning a new language than doing pharmacy-related calculations -.- but sadly i've not been having enough sleep.. thanks to ngee ann that removed their 15mins grace-period, i have to wake up extra early. n even if i did, stupid bus 74 always get caught up in traffic jams. sadness!!
anyway...i celebrated my 3rd year anniversary with him. didnt really celebrate it as he n i were having lessons until 4 (LOL!!) but still had vry vry nice dinner with him PLUS a super nice gift which im LOVING IT=)
n hopefully i can go shopping vry vry SOON (once i get my pay!!!)
n yes! next fri.me.wedding.BRIDEMAID.
so looking forward to next week (although my schedule is kinda bz for next week^^)

what more can i say?
im the happiest girl with u by my side
we may fight.u may get angry.i may cry
but nth can change hw much we love each other
nth can beat the good times we had for the past 3years
you have indirectly made me a better person without u knowing it
you accept me for who i am and i have practically nth to face
even a face without makeup. wahaha!
whether u say it or not, deep dwn i noe u really care and love for me alot
u always wanna give the best to me
indeed u r the best thing thats ever been mine
Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Sweetheart

hehe..stole these pics from my bf..he is a really talented photographer to me no matter what anyone says =) love him lots!!
n its school all over again. time to sleep early again(definitely not 3am anymore) and put on my studying mode again..but like what Pastor Prince just shared in church just now-i have HOPE: joyful and confident expectation of good =) it will never disappoint me because i have a Heavenly Father that loves me dearly..i just had a great message preached on HOPE
So sem2, lets do it....!

weddings are the sweetest events i always want to attend

Yesterday was my last day of work. i must say-although i honestly dont have much interest in IT stuff, work was fun when my colleagues are arnd =) they made me laugh everytime im working with them. n although i did some mistakes here n there, they r still patient enuf to teach and guide me. in fact, they teached me alot alot alot of things=) i really really appreciate it. n im really happy and satisfied that i get to earn my own money. looking forward for payday..hahaha!
♥ I really thank God for this job, the favour i've been getting, all the blessings, everything... i feel blessed.. n the holiday has been really great. fruitful and productive.. i shud say that its really AWESOME. so much fun times with my frens, colleagues and of course, him
This is really grace and favour from Christ ♥ So school is starting next week. my first lesson-basic japanese language. with ferind in the same class with me. YAY!! =) pretty excited bout school actually. dont wanna think how hard or easy it might be. just wanna do my best, get a better gpa ♥
I love the life im blessed with ♥♥♥
im really excited bout next thursday *wink*

this week is my last week of holiday
must enjoy it to the fullest! =)
i feel like buying smth alittle more expensive..smth that i cnt buy last time but nw i cn..i have a few options:
-polaroid camera
-branded bag
-swatch watch (swatch is my fav brand^^)
-or just simply more clothes? =)
still thinking...........................

this was a nice, relaxing wednesday (although i didnt manage to sell anything today.LOL)
-had yummy chocolate cakes (Digital Asia turns 8^^)
-received afew good comments bcs i managed to sold a few laptops so far despite being only a 2-weeks old part-timer=)
-long chit-chat sessions with colleagues =) everyone is sooo nice to me. im a happy girl.
-had a good time with my cousin while choosing brides'maid gowns! OMG. every gown looked gorgeous! i dont noe which one to choose! haha.. n dinner was YUMMY. im so full now.but within this 2 weeks i nid to get rid of my tummy.so must exercise! if not i scared i cnt fit into my gown. hehe^^
normal day at work.. did a few mistakes here and there. *sad sad*

Something i editted for fun =)


Because the reality is, you’ll always want to be around someone who thinks you’re fantastic.

Saturday, we had our Kidsread outing to the zoo.9 kids may seem like a small number but its enough to give headache when you actually baby-sit them. but it was so fun. although i was really sleepy most of the time -.- i really hope i cn go to the zoo again (hopefully b4 school starts??) like in the morning so that i'l have more than enuf time to see everything in the zoo=)
Just checked my timetable...Thank God that there is NO 8am classes..yippeeeeeee!! and lessons will end arnd 3-4pm. i cnt wait to learn jap with ferind. hehe^^ she is the pro, im the beginner.. and next sem i must really work harder to have a better gpa. must promise myself=)

work was fun just now. managed to sold smth.(with the help of my colleagues of course^^)
encountered a customer that didnt really wanted to buy anything BUT just kept talking crap bout his gf in india, his family n bla3. i was like 'what the heck??!!!'
steamboat dinner was yummy. poor dwayne had to send me home by cab. bus was out of service alrdy. LOL!
My first day of work..hmm..its a mixture of feelings altogether:
Nervous bcoming a salesperson for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE.
Excited to earn sum pocket money.
Embarrassed whn i stammered abit when i was talking .
Panic whn smth went wrong with a customer *gosh.she is damn picky n noisy*.
Grateful with the helpful ppl arnd me *DWAYNE!!!hehe*.
Felt slightly 'knowledgeable' aft knowing more stuff bout laptops.
Very happy that i sold 2 laptops on my first day.
Thank God for His favor and grace upon me =)
*i miss him so so so much i swear im gonna hug him for 10mins whn i meet him soon*
woke up late.spent time listening to Christian songs.did sum last min research on sum stuff.going out later to buy my gowns (my cousin is getting married and im her bridesmaid..yippe!.. u have no idea how excited am i..hehe..)

Weeeee... I managed to get Japanese and Social Psychology for my IS elective
The enrolment was freaky man!!
I finally have more motivation to work. I wanna buy alot of stuff XD
im unique and different in my own special ways
i've been an emo watermelon for the past 2 days...
tmr i must be happy sunshine gurl back again...
Life is really interesting.things go wrong sumtimes.i ended up with a not-so-good day. thn whn i read bck the impt things i learnt in church, i just realized...i forget..thats y i ended up moody, worry and all those crappy moodswings. its just 1 mistake i made. i forget what i learnt and how much ppl love me. n i really really think God is teaching and guiding me thru the ppl arnd me. ppl that motivate me, nvr give up on me even whn im at my lowest point, ppl that actually think im not lousy, ppl that actually listen to my problems and worries.. Jesus really loves me. Yes, i know=)
GPA dropped..
Not really happy bout my results...
Some other things didnt go vry well today..
Abit mood swing...
Decided to not bother and sleep..
And i guess.. im feeling much better nw..
Tmr Will Be A Better Day =)

my teenage dream
Dear Lord, ths is my emo post again. i wonder is ths considered talking to You.. cz i really really have no mood to even speak bout my job.. i feel like crying but yet no tears came out. i just wanna scream n vent out everything. i dont even noe whether am i fit for this job? i thot it was gonna be ok. aft all its just trial. but just now's trial was alrdy freaking me out. i admit. i feared. whn i noe im nt supposed to. You said "let not my heart be troubled nor let it be afraid". but unfortunately. i gt scared. i freaked out. i worried. i was upset. im down.so here i am again. casting all my cares to You. cz im really scared, sad, and angry at the same time. i feel useless n dumb.like i shudnt b even getting ths job. i practically have not much interest bout ths kinda stuff, i never bothered bout it and nw i nid to sell ths stuff. its like im starting from bottom onwards. the feeling sucks. i miss my previous job. i miss Kak Rose. i miss Auntie Jessie and Auntie Mary. i even miss my manager even he is an ass sumtimes. at least.. i liked my job. despite sum horrible+picky customers getting on my nerves.but still. i like my work. unlike now. im really scared. and i dont noe how im gonna be not-scared.. im not looking forward to the rest of my holidays. in fact im hoping that school reopens faster. But Lord... i have to continue working. if not i might get my friend into trouble. n i certainly dont wanna back out so last minute..and i need sum extra money. i have so many things i wanna buy. But yet at the same time, i have like 0% confidence right now.. or mayb negative. i dont noe y. dear Lord, help me=( You promised that You will provide. so im putting my trust on You. i hate feeling lousy. but the feeling just crept in..sadly..
doing things that is totally out of my comfort zone is really really challenging...i feel very dumb n useless.n the worst part is that i nid to learn and remember things that r absolutely not of my interest...and for once i really wished school starts sooner =(