Yesterday was my last day of work. i must say-although i honestly dont have much interest in IT stuff, work was fun when my colleagues are arnd =) they made me laugh everytime im working with them. n although i did some mistakes here n there, they r still patient enuf to teach and guide me. in fact, they teached me alot alot alot of things=) i really really appreciate it. n im really happy and satisfied that i get to earn my own money. looking forward for payday..hahaha!
♥ I really thank God for this job, the favour i've been getting, all the blessings, everything... i feel blessed.. n the holiday has been really great. fruitful and productive.. i shud say that its really AWESOME. so much fun times with my frens, colleagues and of course, him
This is really grace and favour from Christ ♥ So school is starting next week. my first lesson-basic japanese language. with ferind in the same class with me. YAY!! =) pretty excited bout school actually. dont wanna think how hard or easy it might be. just wanna do my best, get a better gpa ♥
I love the life im blessed with ♥♥♥