To summarize my life lately..

School has been HECTIC.. no joke. it can be overloading sumtimes too =( it seems as if we have countless things to study, projects, assignments, and the list goes on......... my eyebags are getting worst.. PIMPLES!! o gosh.. so im really really really looking forward to March whn my break starts. hehe!!

Cant wait for Valentine's Day.. dont ask me y ^^

Shall bake as soon as i have the TIME...
i hope my plan will succeed. if it does its gonna be great=)

n yes!! SHOPPING. the last time i went shopping was... hmm... I CANT RMB=(
whn i dont have the cash, i see sale+nice clothes everywhr
whn i finally have the cash, the things i wanted r not there anymore..
but i wanna shop once! at least during CNY. JUST ONCE..

i SHOULD be buying a polaroid camera soon. hehe.. with my angpau money of course=)
wanna get a similar one like syiqin's. =)

life can really be stressful at times (now that i have quiz+projects every week)
but thankfully...God is here for me
What a relieve to know that things will always turn out good no matter what.
*i ADORE TUMBLR PICTURES. i hope i can create pics like these too =)*