Been studying ALOT ALOT ALOT lately... exams make me crazy, vulgar, angry, cranky
I go mad almost every midnite *mummy n sis just laugh at my silly-little-girl-moodiness*
(trying out my new lomo app. hehe^^ im doing absolutely anything to relieve stress. including blogging this post)

Caffeine has successfully keep me awake in countless nights to mug
i get very very hungry easily too lately. maybe its the stress??..

mummy watching HK drama=so hard to study at home =(
have to go to McDonalds instead.hmm..

Phobia seeing my own notes. but i laugh when i see drug names like 'Perindopril' or smth like that. reminds me of Ferind. hehe =)
n..thankfully he is there to study with me. he makes me laugh
and yea..exam=no mood to make up/dress up (went out wearing specs alrdy)

my iphone is the best thing i cn ever have.. whn im moody, i'll play Angry Birds. hehe!!
K, back to studying! Gambateh to everyone that is studying for exams!!