3yrs 5 months
no matter what our future is, im just blessed to have fallen in love with the greatest guy
love u lots


gonna miss this guy for 5 days. hehe!
yes..im always into romantic comedies.. n i just finished one-Love and Other Drugs. hehe.. thank gudness Anne Hathaway is hot, because there is alot of sex scenes. seriously no wonder the movie is m18 or i think r21??...its not those funny romantic comedies like the usuals.. its bout having to love sum1 who is with a chronic disease..and i actually understand and know the disease Parkisons in the movie, Pfzier, NSAID, n Viagra! hehe.. finally my knowledge on diseases n drug names paid off. i ACTUALLY get what they r talking bout. so anyway, there is smth bout this movie tht i just love bout. although critics didnt really like this movie (they usually praise boring dramas instead), I LIKE IT.. cause it made me feel tht i shud cherish more of the person i love. to just live for the moment with the person i love.
lets say..... if the world just decides to end..
i just wanna say... i have a GREAT life blessed by God
with wonderful people. LOVE YOU =)
yup, im on a movie marathon. watching movies tht i didnt get to watch and those tht i just miss watching =)

just watched last nite..n yes-Natalie Portman is HOT!!
cant believe i didnt watch this in the cinema.
i always fall for romantic comedies like these =)

used to dance whenever i hear that Chicken Little song..haha!

Chicken Run (been watching alot of cartoons lately. hehe)

seriously cant wait for the part 2 coming out this May! =) AWESOMENESS

yes, its a Tamil movie.BUT IT IS A GREAT MOVIE! my first Tamil movie actually.. n believe or not, its bout life of engineering students (can relate to my bf.hah!). very touching story though. watched it 4 times alrdy actually. but im still laughing at every single funny scene.

Here we are again
I feel the chemicals kickin' in

(My Famous 'Detergent' drink!)

(The day i swear i had abs after laughing sooooooo much at Kumar's standup comedy)

(shop for new accessories ^^)