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♥♥One of a Kind
♥♥Deeply Loved.Highly Favoured.Greatly Blessed
♥♥TakingPics.Making Cards.Shopping.GoingPlaces.Music.Cooking.
♥♥Forget the past.Cherish the memories.Live for today.Anticipate the future.



1 2 3 4

Sunday, September 18, 2011
its sunday again. the start of another new week.
last week was....full of ups and downs. spending the whole week being most unproductive. didnt accomplish much. spending most of my time watching dramas all the day long.
but there was one thing im glad i did-being there for someone during time of need. seeing u all worried and upset hurts me. u may smile but i feel that deep down inside u are really confused, not knowing what to do, and that constant battle of good and bad within you. its get very frustrating when u noe u r fighting with no one but urself. and these are the few times where i actually dont noe how to advice you. all i can do is just be a good listener whenever u need to talk. and i really hope that i've done a good job doing that for the past week. i just hope that this new week, things will get better. because i really miss that genuine smile from u.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
had an amazing time in KL with him n my friends.. i think it was the best trip ever...i cnt stop thinking bout all the fun and wacky stuff we did during the day n at night *wink
and being able to see his face when i wake up-priceless memory. i'll never forget this awesome trip. love u all! =)

Thursday, September 8, 2011
goodbye singapore, hello kuala lumpur. i missed you

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

hi! its been a while since i've updated my blog.. been very busy for this past semester.. yes, one more sem to go and im officially graduating..!
looking back, time did passed really fast.its seems just like yesterday when i first entered NgeeAnn and meet HangU at freshmen camp. i think i'll never ever forget how crazy, dirty and havoc that camp was. all the muddy games we did on the field and the dance-night we had. and then year1 and year 2 came. those priceless memories =)
life for the past 9 months has been great. alot has happened but thank God more good things had happened so far =)
fyp has been challenging, but i believe its gonna get better. After all, the Lord is with me, everything will turn out well.
but until now, i still dont know what shud i really do after i graduate. no doubt im going to take a break from studies for a while. take classes to learn new things, work, earn money before i enter university. but the question is which uni im going to enter. and how.. i dont dare to think most of the time. or rather, i choose not to. the more i think, the more i get worried. when the time comes, i believe the Lord will show me the way.
i've started to read Pastor Prince's book Unmeritted Favour. and so far, its been a blessing. i hope by the time i finish the whole book, i'll know how to handle some personal challenges i've been having with myself for a long long time.
currently having a break now.. so far it has been productive=) praise God that i found a job (thanks to my lovely friends who helped) praise God my baking skills are improving. hehe.. wont say its perfect, but it brings such a joy when my loved ones giving good reviews to me=)thats already enough for me as motivation.and results will be out very very soon.. honestly, im kinda nervous bout it.. last sem wasnt the best sem i had.(thanks to business related module). but i hope i'll do well.but no matter what my results are, praises will be to the Lord because its through His favour that im blessed. not a day goes by without me thanking Him for all that He has given me.although at times i do look at my challenges or envy other people's lives or blessings, the Lord is still and forever here for me =)
and... not forgetting, my new favourites-my hamsters=) MiuMiu and DouDou *very cantonese names* haha! i finally have pets! yippeeee!! being a pet owner is so much fun. always enjoy observing how they behave, giving them food, playing with them and buying stuff for their needs. i feel like a 'parent' to hamsters. hehe! i just hope that somehow they'll know how much i love them=)
lastly, i must add, my dear boyfriend has been great. or rather, he has always been GREAT=) i feel that our r/s is getting more stable or perhaps we have grown abit more mature? hehe.. but its feel good that he is my boyfriend as well as my best friend. although he and i are actually complete opposites when it comes to some of our behaviours, we'll always be able to compromise. and looking at so many failed r/s around me both from the people i know and dont know, im glad to have my boyfriend. and we'll be celebrating our 4th year tgt very very soon=) some people may lose hope in love, but i always believe that one day these people will feel loved again. time will tell it all.i guess im still a strong believer in true love=)
so.... yea... thats all from me! KL trip this weekend.. dont know what to expect, but hope it'll be great=)

Saturday, July 2, 2011
hi blog!! its been so long since i've updated you. haha!
just celebrated my 20th birthday yesterday.. it was simple. yet sweet. with friends and loved ones. feel sooooo blessed. watched transformers 3 and cant help prefering Megan Fox than the new lead actress. haha!
anyway... life has been treating me well.. gave me some lemons, i made lemonades out of some i guess.. i do miss pharmacy science yr 2 once in a while and attachment as well!.. maybe i wud really take a break after graduating from poly. u noe. start working for 6 months or so.. do watever i want. then get back to uni perhaps... my future is still uncertain..but im sure everything will turn out well..
all i cn say is that.. God is really making things happen for me.. ALOT in fact.. sumtimes i do nag, whine and complain as if i have no favour on my side, but in reality, im the most blessed person =)

Sunday, April 24, 2011
yes... tht video made me cry..bcs it really reminded me how he n i started this whole r/s.. as strangers-in school. i was the new girl in my school.. feeling lonely most of time, not knowing much ppl, looking nerdy as ever.. n he came along... then Stage2 was the chase...we started messaging each other alot... like the whole day.. spent hours chatting on the phone... sumtimes until 4-5am. i remember those days..we just wanted to noe each other more. just wanted to see each other and spend the whole day tgt... the feeling was really sweet..and innocent at the same time.. then whn we were officially tgt, our Stage3 honeymoon period became a reality.. all those pictures tgt, all those anniversaries we celebrated, the cute gifts we gave to each other..everything just seemed perfect..but i noe tht Stage 2 and 3 wont last forever... maybe aft the first year, we entered the stage tht cn be good or bad.. its the stage where we bcame comfortable with each other.... it can be a good thing whr u cn just be 100% urself arnd tht person without feeling weird or scared tht u'll be judged.. but at the same time, u might take for granted tht person....he n i... have come a vry vry long way.. we had our quarrels along the way..had our moments where we r just frustrated..but the good times..r still countless even until now..
n i hope we will not reach Stage 5 n beyond whn things start falling apart n eventually break up.. sum ppl tell me tht he n i will end up married.. honestly.. i really hope so too..i cn really imagine myself spending the rest of my life with him.. mayb im being naive.. i dont noe.. all i noe is the he is really special.. really really...handsome guys come n go.. but the good guys do stay..
but sadly.. our path isnt easy.. we have a huge wall in front of us.. no matter how much we try to ignore it, its still there.. n only God knows how to remove this wall..
but like wat the vid says, if things dont go well.. n we really break up, i'll cherish n rmb this beauiful r/s for the rest of my life..remembering tht i once loved this guy and he is the reason for my happiness.. bcs honestly he is one of the best thing tht has been in my life so far...